Deep Scrub is a premium laminate floor cleaning product...ready to use. It is designed to remove factory grime, built-up cleaners & old waxes and deep clean your laminate.
For severe build-up of waxes or polishes please use our Deep Scrub EXTREME
We recommend using this product on old floors and new floors. New floors are often extremely dirty from the manufacturing process. This product will not harm original finish, it only removes factory over-spray, dirt and grime that are present and cleaners or waxes that have been added. The main objective for the Deep Scrub is to get your floor as clean as you possibly can. The cleaning will also prep your floor and allow the Restorer to adhere to your floor with ease. From our experience, all new floors should be initially cleaned using Deep Scrub.
1 Gallon will cover approximately 3200 sq. ft.
- Mist onto floor. Using a cloth micro-fiber mop spread evenly and allow 3 minutes to sit.
- Agitate with mild scrub pad.
- Mop up solution using a cloth micro-fiber mop.
- Use fresh cold water and rinse floor 2-3 times to insure no solution is left on floor.
- Repeat steps above if needed.
- Maintain your floors by using our Flooring Cleaner.
- Protect all floors with coasters of felts.